Really happy that I've had great friends.
Two of my beautiful and funny old colleagues.. well, let's simply call them my beautiful and funny friends introduced me their own partners today. As one of them just had a wedding ceremony a week ago, she invited us to their home. We had lunch together at their home and talked a lot, about for 5hours! Her husband is such a great person; he is very organized, friendly and kind. He seems to love her so much. I really loved seeing that situation as it's truly heartwarming.
In the evening, another my friend also called her boyfriend and we had light meal and a few drinks together at the restaurant located near by the station. He was also awesome; he is a professional saxophone player so his stories were definitely interesting. Sometimes I feel it's a bit difficult to have good communication with artists as some of them are not really socialized or don't show their reverence though he is totally opposite. He actually is very talkative, friendly and of course, loves my friend very much. I was pretty happy to see they're really happy with each other.
To be honest I was hesitating to go out this morning as the place we met in was so far from my house; took about 2hours one way. However, I finally decided to leave the house of course because I wanted to see them before I leave Japan. Then now, no idea why I was hesitating, and regret to hesitate even for short moment because seeing them made me much happier than just staying home.
Really hope their happiness will be never ended and see them soon in Japan or in the UK.
I met many new people today. Furthermore, what a coincidence, I saw my old friend's father, whom I hadn't seen since I was teen, when I got my closest station to my home. This also made an opportunity to see her(= this father's daughter.)
I've got a new watch today. Actually my friend gave me the watch's main parts about a month ago as he just needed it to make a video though after shooting it, he didn't need it anymore so he gave it me. The watch's condition was good yet design was not quite ok; every part was coloured gold and pretty heavy. So I bought belts ordering on Amazon, then swapped the belts today. I'm really fascinated with this watch's remake.